
Australasian Journal of Regional Studies (AJRS)

The Australasian Journal of Regional Studies is published by the Australia and New Zealand Regional Science Association International Inc. (ANZRSAI), which is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion of efficient and effective regional development policies through research, education and the discussion of ideas. Its interests cover a wide range of Australian and international regional issues with a major focus on the Asia-Pacific region.

Its goal is to provide a platform for a multi-disciplinary approach to regional analysis. Submissions which fall within this general framework of regional analysis, policy, practice and development are welcome.

The journal is a refereed journal.

This website contains all issues of the journal from 1995 onwards.

For reference, you can also review the Econlit subject descriptions from

Submissions are welcomed at any time and can be forwarded by email to our Editors at Full details can be found in the Guidelines for AJRS Contributors.

This journal adheres to and supports the ethical standards in the scholarly publishing community consistent with the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) which can be accessed on their website.


Sustaining Regions, the Newsletter of ANZRSAI

From September 2011 , the Council of ANZRSAI decided to upgrade the Newsletter to include articles on regional practice and policy, and to apply for an ISSN registration for the title Sustaining Regions, the Newsletter of ANZRSAI

It is the intent to publish articles, reviews, case studies and comment relevant to regional practice and policy. This includes material which would previously have been published in Sustaining Regions in the upgraded newsletter. However, it will also provide an outlet for wide discussion of the social, environmental and economic conditions affecting any or all bounded localities, remote, rural or urban, and to provide an input to debate on effective practice, policy and research.

Archived issues of Sustaining Regions, the Newsletter of ANZRSAI, ISSN 1839-5988, will be stored on this page . As for the previous Newsletter, the current issue of Sustaining Regions, the Newsletter of ANZRSAI will be available to all on the home page. An archive of the previous Newsletter will continue to be stored on separate page of this website, also available from this page.

The current issue, Volume 14, Issue 2, was published in September 2024.

Previous issues

Volume 14, Issue 1

Volume 13, Issue 2,

Volume 13, Issue 1

Volume 12, Issue 3

Volume 12, Issue 2

Volume 12, Issue 1

Volume 11 Issue 3

Volume 11 Issue 2

Volume 11 Issue 1

Volume 10 Issue 3

Volume 10 Issue 2

Volume 10 Issue 1

Volume 9 Issue 3

Volume 9 Issue 2

Volume 9 Issue 1

Volume 8 Issue 3 

Volume 8 Issue 2

Volume 8 Issue 1

Volume 7 Issue 3

Volume 7 Issue 2

Volume 7 Issue 1

Volume 6 Issue 3

Volume 6 Issue 2

Volume 6 Issue 1 

Volume 5 Issue 3 

Volume 5 Issue 2

Volume 5 Issue 1

Volume 4 Issue 2 

Volume 4, Issue 1

Volume 3, Issue 3

Volume 3 Issue 2

Volume 3, Issue 1

Volume 2, Issue 3

Volume 2, Issue 2

Volume 2, Issue 1

Volume 1, Issue 1

Authors should be aware that authors of articles published in a newsletter are not protected by copyright, and therefore material published in Sustaining Regions, the Newsletter of ANZRSAI will be in the public domain.

We welcome and encourage articles, reviews, comments and points of interest about regions. Please forward these to the Editor, Sustaining Regions, the Newsletter of ANZRSAI by email to

Sustaining Regions

The title Sustaining Regions has a proud history in Australian regional practice. ANZRSAI launched the publication in 2001 under a contract with the then Australian Government's Research and Development Programmes for Rural and Regional Australia. Since Volume 5, Issue 3 in 2006, Sustaining Regions has not attracted sufficient articles to publish three issues per year. There have been two issues only: Volume 6, Issue 1 (2007) and Volume 7, Issue 1 (2009).

Changes in the funding of research institutions have removed the incentives for researchers to contribute articles to journals which are not refereed. At the same time there have been changes in regional practice in Australia with the emergence of EDA (Economic Development Australia), SEGRA (Sustainable Economic Growth in Regional Australia), and the Australian Government Department for Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government.

The Council of ANZRSAI has decided to place articles and reviews which would previously have been published in Sustaining Regions within a renamed publication Sustaining Regions, the Newsletter of ANZRSAI. In this way we can provide a continuing outlet for wide discussion of the social, environmental and economic conditions in the bounded localities in which all people live, and provide an input to debate, policy and research on regions.

It has been necessary to establish a new ISSN. Accordingly Volume 7, Issue 1 (2009) was the last issue of Sustaining Regions. ISSN 1446-2974

Archive issues of Sustaining Regions will continue to be available from this page.


ANZRSAI has for many years published a regular newsletter which outlines contemporary activities and issues affecting regions. This publication has not had an ISSN registration number.

From the September 2011 edition, the Council of ANZRSAI has decided to upgrade the Newsletter to include articles on regional practice and policy, and to apply for an ISSN registration for the title Sustaining Regions, the Newsletter of ANZRSAI.

We welcome and encourage articles of interest to our membership from members or organistions and these can be forwarded to the Newsletter Editor via email to

Please click on the links on the right to download archive issues of the newsletter.

For issues prior to 2007 please see the Newsletter Archives page.

AJRS Editorial Team

Editorial team

The Australasian Journal of Regional Studies is co-edited by two distinguished members of the Association. The editors are:

Michael Cameron

Azizur Rahman


Editorial Board

The journal also has an international Editorial Board, including scholars of high repute in the fields within the scope of the journal. The members of the Editorial Board are:

  Andrew Beer; University of South Australia; Adelaide, Australia
  John Madden, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
  Kevin O'Connor, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
  Terry Clower, George Mason University, Arlington VA, USA
  Geoff Hewings, University of Illinois, Urbana USA
  Jacques Poot, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
  Scott Baum, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
  Gordon Mulligan, University of Arisona, Tucson, USA
  Jan Oosterhaven, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands

AJRS Guide for Contributors

The Australasian Journal of Regional Studies (AJRS) is a refereed journal published by the Australia and New Zealand Regional Science Association International Inc. This non-profit organisation is dedicated to improving our understanding of regional economic and social conditions and development processes in both the Australasian region and the world at large through research and the discussion of ideas. We welcome contributed articles falling within the broad disciplinary scope of economics, geography, urban and regional planning, demography, environmental resource management, and related public policy.

Articles may be theoretical, philosophical, or empirical in spirit. For example, AJRS regularly publishes (a) cutting edge theoretical and empirical articles on the processes shaping regional economies; (b) analyses of current and emerging regional economic and social conditions often employing innovative data sets and statistical techniques; (c) analyses of short to medium term prognoses for regional development resulting from globalisation, changing macro- and micro-economic settings, or emergent technologies – among other things, and (d) penetrating conceptual, philosophical or ideological articles on the capacities of various tiers of government or communities to develop strategies to remedy or ameliorate regional problems identified through (a) to (c).

Manuscripts should be sent electronically to The Editors at

Further details are available in the document Guidelines for AJRS Contributors 2018, which can be downloaded here.